Vicente Guallart
Vicente Guallart is former chief architect of the Barcelona City Council (2011-2015), with the responsibility of developing the strategic vision of the transformation of the city and its major development projects. He was the first general manager of Urban Habitat, a new department encompassing the areas of urban planning, housing, environment, infrastructures and information technologies.
Previously, he founded the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), where he led projects such as the Media House Project (with MIT's CBA), Hyper Catalunya, or the Fab Lab House. He is currently director at IAAC's Valldaura Labs and co-director of the Master's for Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEEB). His professional office, Guallart Architects has developed ecological projects such as the ports of Fugee and Keelung in Taiwan, the Sociopolis neighborhood in Valencia or Gandia Sharing Blocks. He has won several projects in China — like post-Covid housing in China in Xiaong'an (2020) or the Xianmihu Master Plan in Shenzhen (2018).
He is the author of books like 'Geologics' or 'The Self-Sufficient City' and co-author of the Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture. His work has been exhibited at the Biennale of Venezia, MOMA or AIA in Washington.
Founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia & Director of Valldaura Labs
Vicente Guallart, the founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, answers to our 10-item questionnaire about cities.