Etiqueta: Economy
Susan HayesCulleton: «Teenagers will be longer on the planet than those who tell them what they should think»
Managing Director at the HayesCulleton Group
Arturo Bris: «Second cities are becoming attractive for people and resources»
Professor of Finance and Director of the IMD World Competitiveness Center
Gender Balance in Conferences: Challenging? Yes, but doable too
CEO of Anteverti & Director of CitiesToBe
Why are women still underrepresented at most major world conferences? Anteverti experts explain how it is possible not only to reverse this situation, but also to create a much enriching global conversation on our cities' future.
Turning a year of pandemic into inclusive growth: 4 keys for cities
Consultant at Anteverti & Expert in Local and Regional Economic Development
The pandemic has been a system-wide shock - but also an opportunity to definitely update our cities’ economic model to the digital age and to the ecological transition while putting people at the core.
Covid-19 and the future of cities: 6 trends that will change urban economies
Public Sector Innovation Business Development Consultant at i2CAT Foundation and Expert in Digital Transition
Our expert analysis | From virtual experiences to Covid-free certificates – what are the trends that will dominate the future evolution of urban economy?