Etiqueta: urban economy

Turning a year of pandemic into inclusive growth: 4 keys for cities


Consultant at Anteverti & Expert in Local and Regional Economic Development

The pandemic has been a system-wide shock - but also an opportunity to definitely update our cities’ economic model to the digital age and to the ecological transition while putting people at the core.

How will Covid-19 change the way cities work? | A conversation with global experts (I)


Professor at the Sorbonne University & Mayor of Paris’ Special Representative for Smart Cities

Carlos Moreno, Catherine D'Ignazio, Elkin Velásquez, Emilia Sáiz and Laura Faye Tenembaum share their views on the future of cities after Covid-19.

Covid-19 and the future of cities: 6 trends that will change urban economies


Public Sector Innovation Business Development Consultant at i2CAT Foundation and Expert in Digital Transition

Our expert analysis | From virtual experiences to Covid-free certificates – what are the trends that will dominate the future evolution of urban economy?