Etiqueta: urban innovation

How can cities spark innovation? — by Aparna Ramanan


Senior Program Manager for Bloomberg Philanthropies' Government Innovation program

Data, innovation and the urban environment — by Carlo Ratti


Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab & founding partner of design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati

The indispensability of urban innovation: 5 examples on how it has proven crucial for cities to face the Covid-19 crisis


CEO of Anteverti & Director of CitiesToBe

From more human-centered urban spaces to new housing concepts, let's hope the disruptive period unleashed by the pandemic to be an igniter to start making things better in our cities.

Technology and innovation in post-pandemic cities: How will priorities change? | A conversation with global experts (II)


CEO of anteverti & Curator of the Smart City Expo World Congress

What are the urban challenges prompted by Covid-19 where technology and innovation can make a difference – and how? Global experts talk.

Janette Sadik-Khan: "Urban innovation takes just some imagination and political courage"


Former New York City Transportation Commissioner and Principal at Bloomberg Associates

How will Covid-19 change the way cities work? | A conversation with global experts (I)


Professor at the Sorbonne University & Mayor of Paris’ Special Representative for Smart Cities

Carlos Moreno, Catherine D'Ignazio, Elkin Velásquez, Emilia Sáiz and Laura Faye Tenembaum share their views on the future of cities after Covid-19.

Covid-19 and the future of cities: 5 keys to keep moving towards local sustainability


Former Consulting Director at Anteverti & Expert in Urban Sustainability, Public Policies and Citizen Engagement

Our analysis | How can cities mitigate the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 while preserving the positive environmental side effects of the quarantine?

Covid-19 and the future of cities:  How are public space and social life going to change?


CEO of Anteverti & Director of CitiesToBe

Our expert analysis | The pandemic has made visible a series of pre-existing socio-economic issues of contemporary cities.